ental wellness is a topic we hear about so frequently that we may have stopped listening to what all is available to help us navigate life’s challenges. There are many ways to seek out help and guidance, but one you may not have heard of is therapeutic coaching. Stacie Slabaugh, owner of The Balanced Life, specializes in this unique approach to personal growth and transformation and shares how therapeutic coaching works and how it can positively impact your life.


Therapeutic coaching is a hybrid of therapy and coaching. It is solution-focused, helping you to find answers that are right for you while providing the benefits of traditional therapy. It integrates key principles of psychology, life coaching, NLP, mindfulness, EFT, and other modalities to help you live a healthier, happier and more relaxed life. 

Therapeutic coaching provides a safe, non-judgmental space in which you will gain greater awareness about yourself and the issues you are experiencing. It offers you clarity about where you are now, where you would like to be, and what is getting in the way (i.e., obstacles and root causes). Sessions provide you with effective tools to work through the obstacles (which are often unconscious), so you can move towards the change you want to experience.


A therapeutic coach can help with a wide range of issues, such as stress, anxiety, burnout, mood imbalances, relationship issues, and physical health issues, just to name a few. Clients of therapeutic coaching often either feel their emotions very deeply or they have become fairly cut off from their emotions. Either way, therapeutic coaching will help you become more aware of your emotions, learn the benefits of emotions, and develop tools and strategies to better handle your emotions moving forward. The aim being to restore a sense of balance in your life.


It might be helpful to imagine a tree, where the leaves of the tree represent the physical symptoms, thoughts, feelings and behaviors we are experiencing. The branches represent the situations and events that give rise to these behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. The trunk of the tree contains our belief systems, and the roots of the tree are the original experiences that caused us to form these beliefs. Working with a therapeutic coach can help by working with all of these different aspects in a way that understands the entire system of the tree (i.e., you)!

In each session, the therapeutic coach takes into consideration your individual needs as a client and aims to “meet you where you are.” Therefore, each session may be different. Just as each person and the situations experienced will be unique, however, there are common ways of working that are helpful. The combination of techniques used in therapeutic coaching allows us to explore problems holistically, on the level of both body and mind.

Sessions with a therapeutic coach will enable you to connect with yourself more fully and empower you with solutions to help you feel better. This solution-focused approach supports your emotional well-being, helps to relieve stress and anxiety, increases your confidence and self-esteem, and allows you to experience positive change.

For more information on The Balanced Life’s therapeutic coaching and other services, visit getbalanced.life. 
Stacie Slabaugh, owner of The Balanced Life